
Email: hello@lorimatthewsbooks.com
Lori Matthews was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada. She grew up in a house filled with books and readers. Some of her fondest memories are of reading in the same room with her mother and sisters, arguing about whose turn it was to make tea. No one wanted to put their book down!
She was introduced to different genres because of her parents’ habit of leaving books all over the house. Her mother read romance, and her father read thrillers. Her love of reading and books led to her becoming a librarian. She started her career as a public librarian and then eventually made her way into schools as a high school librarian with a stop in the corporate world along the way.
When her children went off to school, she finally had the time to pursue her first love, writing and she’s been pounding the keyboard ever since. She’s won numerous writing awards including two Daphne Du Maurier awards. She currently lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children, her crazy dog, and her grumpy cat.