Coast Guard Recon

It was all good in theory. Injured and not quite ready to go back to their respective special operations groups, the top brass were giving them extra time to get their shit together. The Coast Guard invested millions in training in Nick and the rest of his new so-called team. They didn’t want to lose all that if they didn’t have to.

“Apparently, you all get into serious trouble when you’re not…engaged in your normal duties. The brass does not want any more incidents like having their top tier operators being arrested in a bar brawl.” Nick’s boss the admiral had said. But what did he expect? They were all highly trained men used to being in the fight, and sitting on the sidelines was killing them, physically and mentally. They might not be ready for the main event, but if he didn’t find something for them to do soon, they were all likely to implode. 


Break and Enter Book Cover
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Incinerated - Coast Guard Recon
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Break and Enter Book Cover
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Lori Matthews - Evade and Capture
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Lori Matthews - Evade and Capture
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