Conversing with my Pets

Conversing with my Pets

Do you talk to your pets? I do, and I answer myself in what I think of as their voice. No, I don’t speak in a different sounding voice. I just say what I think of as their response out loud. For example, Me; “Here’s your treat.” My dog takes it and walks to her doggie...
Conversing with my Pets

When Fingers do the Talking

So, I asked for and received dictation software for Christmas. I was super excited to try it. I set it all up, and yes, I was proud of myself for not having to ask for help to get it to work. Yay me! I got all set up, had my tea next to me, my “office” door (bedroom...
Conversing with my Pets

The Power to Change

On the top right corner of my screen, I have a sticky note that says, “And then aliens came down.” Why? Because sometimes, when I’m writing, and I discover that the story isn’t working, I get stuck. I end up trapped by thinking a certain thing has to happen to make...
Conversing with my Pets

Support and Encouragement

As writers, we tend to live in our solitary caves, but sometimes, we need help. That’s when other writers are so useful. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve sent an email or text to a writer friend and received an immediate response with the answer...
Conversing with my Pets

My Characters Talk to Me

Yes, I hear voices in my head. All. The. Time. As a matter of fact, when they are silent, it’s worrisome to me. To a non-writer, that must sound very odd, but most writers will tell you their characters talk to them. For me, sometimes, they chatter like magpies,...