From The Writing Cave

Starting a New Book

February 3, 2021

I am about to start writing a new book in the Callahan Security series (just when you thought it was over…). I don’t know what this book is about yet, but I know how it starts. My ideas come as images. I saw a man (Yes, this is one of the characters previously mentioned in the series. He is getting his own book!) wearing a dress shirt rolling up his sleeves. He is tired after a long day of work. He’s in a hotel. He’s thinking about the vacation time he’s built up and mulling over if he wants to spend his vacation at the beach or in a cabin in the woods. He has a feeling and looks out the window into the room across from his. The room is part of the same hotel, but it’s on the other side of a courtyard. The hotel is a squarish shape with a hollow center. He sees a woman. She looks distressed, and someone, a man I think, is threatening her.

That’s it. That’s what I have so far, and of course, once I start writing, the story could change. Oh, and I think this one takes place in Europe. Hopefully, the rest will fall into place. Wish me luck!